Self-managed Superannuation Funds

SMSFs a wonderful thing to say you have at a BBQ with friends, but get it wrong and you can lose so much. It is a great vehicle to reduce tax, it’s a great way to plan for your retirement, and great for control. BUT it must be done right.


As an employer or employee superannuation is now a heavily regulated area of your business and an unexpected cost that can put a lot of pressure on your business. Or as an employee a great tool to reduce your taxable income and pay less tax.


Protection and flexibility, a trust is a vehicle you can use to run your business, distribute income to owners and family members and maximise your entire families taxation. There are not a lot of downsides to trusts and something that can really improve your net wealth.

Rental Property

A rental property is an investment in your future and a long term strategy, it's great to lose thousands each year to save say 30% in tax or is it? If the property is going up in capital value, then you are making money, and if you do it right and sell when your income is not high you’re effectively deferring and minimising your tax, but there are cash flow issues. It’s more than picking a house and renting it out, we have some great strategies to help you make the right decisions.